Sunday, January 19, 2014

Doru Tureanu-Hall of Fame

Doru Tureanu (b. in 1954 in Bucharest, Romania) is a former Romanian forward. A star of the Dinamo Bucuresti for well over a decade (1971 to 1981), Tureanu was a key element of the Romanian National Team for the 1970's and the most part of the 1980's, forming the top offensive line of the country along with Marian Costea and Dumitru Axinte. He took part in the 1976 and 1980 Olympics, as well as in 17 World Championships between 1971 and 1987 inclusively. The potent goal scorer totaled 74 goals and 39 assists (112 points) in the hundred games he played for Romania. According to an article published on, Tureanu was offered a contract by the Montreal Canadiens in 1977, following a particularly impressive display at the 1977 World Championship in Switzerland, which notably included a pair of goals in a 5-4 win over the United States. Tureanu declined the offer to stay with his sick mother.  He did also get professional offers from Western Eropean clubs, where he couldn't go either, again due to communism.[2]. Former legendary Soviet head coach Viktor Tikhonov once said of Tureanu that he had the skills to play without any problem on any professional team on Earth[3]. It was announced in December 2010 that Tureanu would be inducted to the IIHF Hall of Fame in a ceremony held in Bratislava on May 15th 2011[4]. sursa

Doru Tureanu a fost supranumit “regele” hocheiului romanesc, fiind comparat ca talent, din lumea fotbalului, cu Dobrin. Cei care l-au vazut jucand au spus despre el ca a fost un adevarat artist pe gheata. Chiar si eternii rivali de la Miercurea Ciuc au recunoscut intotdeauna ca nimeni nu a fost mai talentat in Romania ca Doru Tureanu! Astazi, marele artist al ghetii duce o viata modesta, fara pretentii financiare. Cand intra in patinoar, devenit azi o corabie pustie de valori, de public si de performanta, cei mai in varsta isi scot palaria in fata lui, iar “regele” le raspunde politicos. Contactat de, Tureanu a vorbit in exclusivitate despre performantele de odinioara, dar si despre regretul ca azi, in patinoar, fluiera pustietatea. "Ma doare sufletul cand vad ce se intampla in patinoare. Nu doar performanta a disparut, dar si acest sport, in esenta lui. Sunt tot mai putine echipe, tot mai putini jucatori. Din pacate, nu se schimba nimic”, spune cu amaraciune marele Tureanu. Pe vremea lui, patinoarul era arhiplin, pentru ca veneau oamenii la hochei ca la un meci de fotbal. "Timpurile alea s-au stins de mult! Unii spun ca eu am fost cel mai mare, dar e prea mult pentru mine o astfel de apreciere. Am fost un jucator care a iubit acest sport, pe care l-as fi jucat si la 2 dimineata, daca era cazul”, a mai spus Tureanu, care astazi face parte din Hall Of Fame-ul autohton si se poate mandri, printre altele, cu cea mai mare oferta financiara pe care a primit-o din partea unei echipe de peste Ocean. “Eram in Elvetia cu echipa Romaniei. Au venit cei de la Montreal Canadians cu un diplomat plin cu bani. Mi-au spus ca imi ofera 2 milioane de dolari pentru cateva sezoane, doar sa vin sa joc la ei. Ma vazusera in meciuri si mi-au spus ca ma vor. Le-am spus ca nu plec! Viata mea era in Romania”, a marturisit Tureanu. 


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